Viz Media Dragon Ball Super 16

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O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Gokuove dobrodružstvo z najpredávanejšej klasickej mangy Dragon Ball pokračuje v tejto novej sérii, ktorú napísal sám Akira Toriyama!Odkedy sa Goku stal najväčším hrdinom Zeme a zhromaždil sedem Dragon Ballov, aby porazil zlého Buu, jeho život na Zemi sa stal trochu nudným. Ale nad hlavami sa črtajú nové hrozby a Goku a jeho priatelia budú musieť v tomto pokračovaní najpredávanejšej série Akira Toriyamu Dragon Ball znova brániť planétu!Granolah je posledným z Cerealianov, ľudí, ktorí boli pred mnohými rokmi takmer vyhubení Saiyajmi a Freezovou armádou. Keď sa dozvie, že bolo nájdené dávno stratené dvojča Dragon Ballu, ktoré starý Namekian Monaito drží vo svojom dome, Granolah ho ukradne a vysloví želanie, ktoré mu umožní začať jeho hľadanie pomsty proti Saiyajom - stať sa najsilnejšou bytosťou v celom vesmíre! Medzitým Heeters pracujú v zákulisí, aby Granolaha raz a navždy zbavili utrpenia... tým, že si získajú pomoc Gokua a Vegetu! O komikse (Manga) v angličtine:Goku’s adventure from the best-selling classic manga Dragon Ball continues in this new series written by Akira Toriyama himself!Ever since Goku became Earth’s greatest hero and gathered the seven Dragon Balls to defeat the evil Boo, his life on Earth has grown a little dull. But new threats loom overhead, and Goku and his friends will have to defend the planet once again in this continuation of Akira Toriyama’s best-selling series, Dragon Ball!Granolah is the last of the Cerealians, a people who were all but wiped out by the Saiyans and Freeza’s army many years ago. When he learns that the long-lost twin to the Dragon Ball that the old Namekian Monaito keeps in their home has been found, Granolah steals it and makes a wish that will allow him to start his quest for revenge against the Saiyans-to become the strongest being in the whole universe! Meanwhile, the Heeters work behind the scenes to put Granolah out of his misery once and for all…by enlisting Goku and Vegeta’s help!  

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