Viz Media Dr. Stone 5

265,50 € Prejsť do obchodu
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O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Predstavte si, že sa prebudíte do sveta, kde celé ľudstvo bolo záhadne premenené na kameň...Po tisícročiach sa Taiju preberie a s pomocou svojho vedecky zanieteného priateľa Senkua sa snaží oživiť civilizáciu. Teraz sa koná Veľký turnaj, ktorý rozhodne o novom náčelníkovi dediny! Kráľovstvu vedy Senkua stojí v ceste silný bojovník Magma, ktorý v úvodnom zápase čelí Kinrovi. Kinrov slabý zrak ho znevýhodňuje, no vďaka sile vedy by mu okuliare mohli pomôcť k víťazstvu! O komikse (Manga) v angličtine: Imagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone...One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many millennia later, Taiju frees himself from the petrification and finds himself surrounded by statues. The situation looks grim—until he runs into his science-loving friend Senku! Together they plan to restart civilization with the power of science!The Grand Bout Tournament to decide the village chief has begun! Standing in the way of Senku’s Kingdom of Science is the powerful warrior Magma, who's facing Kinro in the opening match. Kinro's bad eyesight gives him a decided disadvantage, but thanks to the power of science, a pair of glasses might just be the thing to tip the scales in his favor!

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