Vertical Inc. Welcome Back, Alice 1
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O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Welcome Back, Alice, je najnovšia práca Shuzo Oshimiho, autoraBlood on the Tracks, Happiness, and The Flowers of Evil.Detskí priatelia Yohei, Kei a Yui sa stretávajú na strednej škole. Ale to, čo sa zdalo ako priamy milostný trojuholník medzi nimi, sa nečakane zmení, keď sa Kei objaví vyzerajúci a oblečený ako dievča.V tomto príbehu o dospievaní, zvrátenosti a láske sa Oshimi vydáva na preskúmanie hraníc pohlavia, sexuality a identity. O komikse (manga) v angličtine:Welcome Back, Alice is the latest work by Shuzo Oshimi, the author of Blood on the Tracks, Happiness, and The Flowers of Evil.Childhood friends Yohei, Kei, and Yui are reunited in high school. But what seemed like a straightforward love triangle between the three of them takes an unexpected turn when Kei shows up looking and dressed like a girl.In this story of adolescent awakening, perversion, and love, Oshimi sets out to explore the boundaries of gender, sexuality, and identity.