Titan Books Diablo: Legends of the Barbarian Bul-Kathos
609,03 €
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O komikse v slovenčine:Na počiatku Sanctuary sa zrodili legendy. Nenechajte si ujsť túto exkluzívnu, originálnu grafickú novelu Diablo®, ktorá mapuje vzostup Bul-Kathosa, zakladateľa triedy barbarov, a jeho dávnu úlohu brániť horu Arreat.Dávno predtým, ako sa Bul-Kathos stal známym ako otec barbarov, mal iba dvoch potomkov: svoje dvojčatá Naarah a Hirama. Naarah nasledovala svojho otca a stala sa skvelou bojovníčkou, ale spôsoby ich kmeňa nikdy neprišli prirodzene Hiramovi. Po rokoch putovania sa Hiram vracia k svojej rodine. Našiel novú cestu... a novú silu, ktorú chce získať s pomocou svojho otca.Od vývojárskeho tímu Diablo® a slávneho autorsko-výtvarníckeho dua Johna Arcudiho a Geraldo Borgesa prichádza nezabudnuteľný, nádherne ilustrovaný príbeh. Legends of the Barbarian Bul-Kathos je zároveň mýtom o mocnom kráľovi, ktorého meno bolo sformované v bitke, a tragédiou otca, ktorý nesie ťažkú korunu. O komikse v angličtine:At the dawn of Sanctuary, legends were born. Don’t miss this exclusive, original Diablo® graphic novel chronicling the rise of Bul-Kathos, progenitor of the barbarian class, and his ancient charge to defend Mount Arreat.At the dawn of Sanctuary, legends were born. Don’t miss this exclusive, original Diablo® graphic novel chronicling the rise of Bul-Kathos, progenitor of the barbarian class, and his ancient charge to defend Mount Arreat.Long before Bul-Kathos became known as the father of barbarians, he was father to only two: his twin children Naarah and Hiram. Naarah followed her father’s path and became a great fighter, but the ways of their tribe never came naturally to Hiram. After years on walkabout, Hiram returns to his family, having discovered a new way . . . and a new power he seeks to claim with his father’s help.From the Diablo® development team and storied author-artist duo John Arcudi and Geraldo Borges comes an unforgettable, stunningly illustrated tale. Legends of the Barbarian: Bul-Kathos is at once the myth of a mighty king whose name was forged in battle and the tragedy of a father who bears a heavy crown.