Square Enix Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town 1

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O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Optimistický mladý Lloyd by chcel dosiahnuť svoj životný sen a stať sa vojakom v hlavnom meste. Bohužiaľ, jeho susedia a priatelia ho považujú za najslabšieho chlapca v dedine a sú si istí, že Lloyd stretne svoju smrť hneď, ako sa vydá na svoju bláznivú cestu. Ale nikto si neuvedomuje, že keď žijete vedľa najnebezpečnejšej dungeonu v krajine, to, čo miestni považujú za každodenné nepríjemnosti, by bolo pre kohokoľvek iného apokalyptické! A keď Lloyd neposlúchne obyvateľov mesta a vydá sa do začiatočníckej osady pre dobrodruhov, zvyšok kráľovstva zistí, aký je Lloyd naozaj silný! O komikse (Manga) v angličtine:When the village you call home exists alongside the most dangerous dungeon in the land, the word "weak" is completely relative in this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series!Optimistic young Lloyd would like nothing more than to achieve his life's dream of becoming a soldier in the capital. Unfortunately, his neighbors and friends consider him the weakest boy in the village and are sure Lloyd will meet his doom the minute he sets out on his foolhardy journey. But no one realizes that by living near the most dangerous dungeon in the land, what the locals consider to be everyday annoyances would be apocalyptic for anybody else! And when Lloyd defies the townspeople and makes off for a starter town for adventurers, the rest of the kingdom is about to find out just how overpowered Lloyd really is!

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