Seven Seas Entertainment Knight Captain is the New Princess-to-Be 1
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O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Christina, alias „Lady Chris“, sa narodila do šľachtickej rodiny a bola vychovaná takmer ako chlapec. Teraz je to urastená mladá žena, ktorá je nielen kapitánkou cisárskej gardy, ale osobne chráni princa Leonarda, ktorý je jej dobrý priateľ od detstva. Keď jeho otec, kráľ, požaduje, aby si našiel vhodnú dievčinu na sobáš, Leo namieta, že už jednu našiel: Chris! Chris je šokovaná, ale myslí si, že Leo ju naozaj tak nemiluje; je to pravdepodobne len taký trik, aby urobil kráľa šťastným. Chris sa rozhodne hrať túto hru, ale ako sa veci vyvíjajú, Chris sa začína pýtať sama seba, či sa jej princovský kamarát naozaj do nej nezamiloval! O komikse (manga) v angličtine:Christina, a.k.a. "Lady Chris," was born into a noble family and treated more or less like a boy growing up. Now a dashing young woman, Chris is not only captain of the imperial guards--she personally protects Prince Leonardo, who has been a dear friend since childhood. When his father, the king, demands he find a suitable girl to marry, Leo insists that he's already found one: Chris! Chris is shocked, but figures that Leo doesn't really love her like that; it's probably just some ploy to keep the king happy. Chris decides to play along, but as the charade goes on, she starts to wonder if maybe her princely pal has actually fallen for her!