Seven Seas Entertainment Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto 1
351,92 €
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O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Prvák strednej školy Sakamoto nie je len cool, on je najcoolovejší! Takmer hneď po nástupe do školy na seba upútal pozornosť všetkých. Dievčatá ho zbožňujú, a väčšina chlapcov ho nenávidí. V triede je dokonca aj chalan, ktorý pracuje ako model, ale Sakamoto ho neustále zatieňuje! Bez ohľadu na to, aké triky sa ho iní chlapci snažia naučiť, Sakamoto ich vždy s ľahkosťou a eleganciou prekazí. Hoci sa Sakamoto môže javiť chladne a odlúčene, keď ho niekto požiada o pomoc, rád ju poskytne, ako napríklad chlapcovi z jeho triedy, ktorý bol neustále šikanovaný. Bez ohľadu na ťažkosti, s ktorými sa stretne, Sakamoto prechádza životom na strednej škole s sebadôverou a štýlom! O komikse (manga) v angličtine: First year high school student Sakamoto isn't just cool, he's the coolest! Almost immediately after starting school, he began attracting everyone's attention. The girls love him, and most of the boys resent him. There's even a boy in the class who works as a model, but who is constantly upstaged by Sakamoto! No matter what tricks the other boys try to play on him, Sakamoto always manages to foil them with ease and grace. Though Sakamoto may seem cool and aloof, he helps others when asked, such as in the case of the boy in his class who was being constantly bullied. No matter what difficulties Sakamoto encounters, he moves through his high school life with confidence and class!