Seven Seas Entertainment Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi 2 (The Comic / Manhua

535,92 € Prejsť do obchodu
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O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:MANHUA ADAPTÁCIA NAJPREDÁVANEJŠEJ ROMÁNOVEJ SÉRIE PODĽA NEW YORK TIMES.Po stretnutí s divokým bohom Lan Wangji pozýva Wei Wuxiana späť do klanu Lan. Ale Lan Wangji sa zdá byť iný ako mladý muž, ktorého Wei Wuxian poznal. Tento Lan Wangji má tajnú zásobu alkoholu, toleruje akékoľvek huncútstva a dokonca nechá Wei Wuxiana ležať na ňom celú noc!Čo sa stalo s Lan Zhan, ktorý sa s Wei Wuxianom pohádal o krčah vína a karhal ho za flákanie sa? Vráťte sa do doby, keď boli Wei Wuxian a Lan Wangji len mladí, k ich úplnej prvému stretnutiu! O komikse (Manga) v angličtine:THE MANHUA ADAPTATION OF THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING NOVEL SERIES CONTINUES AS WEI WUXIAN REVISITS A CHAPTER FROM HIS PAST!After a brush with a renegade deity, Lan Wangji invites Wei Wuxian back to the Lan Clan of Gusu. But Lan Wangji seems different from the young man Wei Wuxian used to know. This Lan Wangji keeps a secret stash of alcohol, puts up with all manner of shenanigans, and even lets Wei Wuxian lie on top of him for an entire night!What happened to the Lan Zhan who fought with Wei Wuxian over a jug of wine and berated him for slacking off? Travel back to when Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were mere youths, to the pair’s very first encounter!

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