Selfmadehero Gauguin: The Other World Art Masters Series

394,65 € Prejsť do obchodu
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O komikse v slovenčine:V roku 1891 prichádza Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) na francúzsky polynézsky ostrov Tahiti. V tomto sviežom raji je oslobodený od starostí Európana, ktorý žije v meste. Je slobodný: v milovaní, speve a tvorbe. V Kodani si Gauguinova manželka takúto slobodu neužije. Najradšej by zabudla na svojho odporného manžela a jeho zdegenerované umelecké diela. Namiesto toho má v meste odolnom voči avantgarde za úlohu predať zbierku jeho tahitských obrazov za extravagantné ceny. Keď sa konečne dostanú do predaja - v Paríži, krátko po Gauguinovom návrate - predaj je katastrofálny. Pre Moneta, Renoira a zvyšok starej gardy nič nenasvedčuje tomu, že tieto bizarné, vizionárske diela majú nejaký trvalý význam.Gauguin: The Other World je objavnou biografiou umelca, ktorého mužské kvality si za celý život získali len málo obdivovateľov, ale ktorého maliarsky talent mal obrovský vplyv na umenie Picassa, Matissa a mnohých ďalších. O komikse v angličtine:In 1891, Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) arrives on the French Polynesian island of Tahiti. In this lush paradise, he is liberated from the concerns of the city-dwelling European. He is free: to love, to sing, and to create. In Copenhagen, Gauguin’s wife enjoys no such freedom. She would rather forget her odious husband and his degenerate artwork. Instead, in a city resistant to the avant-garde, she is tasked with selling a collection of his extravagantly priced Tahitian paintings. When they finally go on sale—in Paris, shortly after Gauguin’s return—sales are catastrophic. For Monet, Renoir, and the rest of the old guard, nothing indicates that these bizarre, visionary works are of any lasting significance. Gauguin: The Other World is a revelatory biography of an artist whose qualities as a man won him few admirers in his own lifetime, but whose talents as a painter would have an enormous influence on the art of Picasso, Matisse, and many more.

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