Scholastic US Academy for Roblox Pros 1: Attack of the Zombies

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O komikse v slovenčine:Máš na to, aby si sa stal študentom Akadémie pre Roblox profesionálov?Predstavujeme prvú knihu v neoficiálnom grafickom románe o Robloxe - Akadémia pre Roblox profesionálov!Mitch a jeho kamaráti si mysleli, že majú bežný školský deň. Riaditeľ Nudnelox im ako zvyčajne liezol na nervy a Roger s kumpánmi ich vytáčali. Ale keď Mitch v technickej triede omylom vylial nápoj na počítač, stane sa niečo zázračné. Z ničoho nič sa objavia dvere so symbolom ich obľúbenej hry Roblox. Mitch a jeho parťáci to musia preskúmať!Po prechode dverami sa deti okamžite prenesú na Akadémiu Robloxu, kockatého sveta, kde sú všetci svojimi vlastnými avatarmi. Dokážu deti prísť na koreň tomuto digitálnemu svetu... alebo ich záhadný zloduch, Pán Warlock, premení všetkých na zombie?! Prečítajte si a zistite to v tejto ilustrovanej neoficiálnej sérii grafických románov o Robloxe!Nový a vzrušujúci pohľad do sveta Robloxu. O komikse v angličtine:Do you have what it takes to be a student at the academy for Roblox pros? Introducing the first book in an unofficial Roblox graphic novel, Academy for Roblox Pros!Mitch and his friends thought that they were having an average day at school. Their principal, Principal Borelox, was being awful as usual, and Roger and his cronies were getting on their nerves. But when Mitch accidentally spills his drink on his computer in the tech lab, something miraculous happens. A door appears out of nowhere with the symbol of their favourite video game, Roblox. Well, Mitch and his buddies just have to check it out!Stepping through the door, the kids are immediately transported into Roblox Academy, a blocky world where they are all avatars of themselves. Can the kids get to the bottom of this digital world ... or will the mysterious villain, Mr. Warlock, turn them all into zombies!? Read and find out in this illustrated unofficial Roblox graphic novel series!A new exciting look into the world of RobloxA must-read for any kid who loves to play Roblox!Perfect for gamers

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