Marvel Wolverine by Benjamin Percy 9: Sabretooth War, Part 2

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O komikse v slovenčine:Posledný súboj medzi Wolverinom a Sabretoothom sa stupňuje na novú úroveň v SABRETOOTH WAR! Wolverinova pamäť bola v priebehu rokov pozmenená, vymazaná, obnovená, zabudnutá a zničená. Ale tentoraz, ak Logan neobnoví svoju pamäť, jeho arcinepriateľ Sabretooth urobí oveľa horšie veci! Keď Victor Creed nasadí smrtonosnú zbraň, Logan je dotlačený na pokraj... a za hranu! Ak ste si mysleli, že prvá polovica tejto ságy bola násilná, počkajte si na diabolské rozuzlenie ultimátneho boja medzi Wolverinom a Sabretoothom! Zbierka: Wolverine (2020) 46-50 O komikse v angličtine:The latest showdown between Wolverine and Sabretooth ramps up to the next level as SABRETOOTH WAR reaches its climax! Wolverine's memory has been altered, erased, restored, forgotten, and destroyed over the years. But this time, if Logan can t get his head on straight, his arch-enemy Sabretooth will do far worse than any of that! As Victor Creed deploys a deadly weapon, Logan is pushed to the edge... and beyond! If you thought the first half of this saga was violent, just wait for the diabolical denouement of the ultimate battle between Wolverine and Sabretooth! Collecting: Wolverine (2020) 46-50

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