Marvel What If...? Miles Morales
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O komikse v slovenčine:Čo ak by Milesa Moralesa nikdy neuhryzol geneticky upravený pavúk? Čo ak by ho namiesto toho americká vláda naverbovala, vycvičila a dala mu neuveriteľné schopnosti pomocou séra Super-Soldier, čím by sa z neho stal priateľský susedský Captain America? Alebo možno by bol Miles odtrhnutý od všetkého, čo kedy poznal - svojej rodiny, svojho domova, celého svojho života - a premenený na nesmrteľnú zbraň vojny známu ako Wolverine! Ak by bol zasiahnutý gama žiarením a premenil sa na Hulka, bol by Miles človek alebo príšera? A existujú aj iní superhrdinovia, ktorými sa mohli mnohí Milesovia z Multivesmíru stať namiesto Spider-Mana? Môžete si byť istí, že áno! Dozviete sa, čo robí z Milesa Moralesa hrdinu bez ohľadu na okolnosti, bez ohľadu na realitu! O komikse v angličtine:What if Miles Morales had never been bitten by a genetically enhanced spider? What if, instead, the U. S. government recruited, trained and granted him incredible powers with the Super-Soldier Serum, making him a friendly neighborhood Captain America? Or perhaps Miles was taken from everything he ever knew - his family, his home, his entire life - and transformed into the immortal weapon of war known as the Wolverine! If he was blasted by gamma radiation and turned into a Hulk, would Miles be man or monster? And are there other super heroes the many Miles of the Multiverse might have become instead of Spider-Man? You bet there are! Learn what makes Miles Morales a hero no matter the circumstances, no matter the reality!Collects What If…? Miles Morales #1-5.