Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus 3
3 345,36 €
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O komikse v slovenčine:Mark Bagley uzatvára svoju rekordnú spoluprácu na Ultimate Spider-Man s Brianom Michaelom Bendisom! Ale skôr ako skončia, postavili Petra Parkera proti množstvu aktualizovaných verzií klasických Spideyovských darebákov - vrátane Goblina, Hammerheada, Morbiusa, Scorpiona a Omega Red?! Ale bude žoldnierka Silver Sable priateľkou alebo nepriateľom? A čo Deadpool?! Medzitým má Peter Parker novú priateľku: Kitty Pryde z X-Menov! Ale čo to znamená pre jeho priateľstvo s Mary Jane? A to všetko sa buduje na najšokujúcejšej príbehu zo všetkých: Ultimate Clone Saga! Peterov život sa prevráti hore nohami v epose, ktorý predstavuje úplne novú, úplne odlišnú Spider-Woman! Navyše: Daredevil sa snaží osloviť Spideyho, aby sa pripojil k Moon Knightovi, Shang-Chi, Iron Fistovi a Doctor Strangeovi pri trvalom zničení Kingpina! O komikse v angličtine:Mark Bagley concludes his record-breaking Ultimate Spider-Man collaboration with Brian Michael Bendis! But before they're done, they pit Peter Parker against a host of updated versions of classic Spidey rogues - including the Hobgoblin, Hammerhead, Morbius, Scorpion and Omega Red?! But will the mercenary Silver Sable be friend or foe? And how about Deadpool?! Meanwhile, Peter Parker has a new girlfriend: Kitty Pryde of the X-Men! But what does that mean for his friendship with Mary Jane? And it's all building to the most shocking story of all: the Ultimate Clone Saga! Peter's life is turned upside down in an epic that introduces the all-new, all-different Spider-Woman! Plus: Daredevil tries to enlist Spidey to join Moon Knight, Shang-Chi, Iron Fist and Doctor Strange in taking down the Kingpin, permanently! Collecting Ultimate Spider-Man (2000) #72-111 and Annual #1-2