Marvel Star Wars: The High Republic - The Blade
442,78 €
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O komikse v slovenčine:Nová dynamická éra Star Wars High Republic sa naďalej rozširuje a zameriava sa na legendárneho rytiera Jedi menom Porter Engle. Staňte sa svedkom zrodu legendy Jedi: Porter Engle stovky rokov pred Skywalker ságou. Je to možno najzručnejší majiteľ svetelného meča v High Republic. So svojou sestrou Barash cestuje po galaxii a slúži ako strážca mieru a spravodlivosti. Ale aj Porter Engle má nepriateľov, ktorých nedokáže poraziť... O komikse v angličtine:The dynamic new Star Wars era of the High Republic continues to expand, focusing on the legendary Jedi Knight Porter Engle. Hundreds of years before the Skywalker saga, witness the birth of a Jedi legend: Porter Engle! He is perhaps the most skilled lightsaber wielder in the High Republic. With his sister Barash, he travels the galaxy, serving as a guardian of peace and justice. But even Porter Engle has enemies he cannot defeat...