Marvel Star Wars: The High Republic Phase II 2 - The Hunted
528,70 €
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O komikse v slovenčine:Ďalšia vzrušujúca kapitola éry VYSOKEJ REPUBLIKY zo STAR WARS! Lightsabery sa stretávajú, keď Keeve Trennis konečne nájde to, čo hľadala, v Nihil Occlusion Zone! Aké je tajomstvo starodávnej ruiny? A môže Keeve dôverovať Lourne Dee, keď ju najviac potrebuje? Najhlbšie obavy Jedi sa prejavia, keď sa objaví šokujúca tvár z minulosti! Obsahuje: Star Wars: The High Republic (2023) 5-8 (fáza III), Star Wars: The Acolyte (2024) 1 O komikse v angličtine:The next thrilling chapter of the HIGH REPUBLIC era of STAR WARS! Lightsabers clash as Keeve Trennis finally finds what she's been searching for in the Nihil Occlusion Zone! What is the secret of the ancient ruin? And can Keeve trust Lourna Dee when she needs her the most? The Jedi's deepest fears manifest as a face from the past makes a shocking appearance! Collecting: Star Wars: The High Republic (2023) 5-8 (Phase III), Star Wars: The Acolyte (2024) 1