Marvel Star Wars Legends Epic Collection 2: The Empire

1 191,52 € Prejsť do obchodu
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O komikse v slovenčine:Star Wars Legends kontinuita konečne dosahuje koniec dní prvého impéria a rúti sa priamo do A New Hope! Éra Impéria sa končí - a Nová nádej sa rodí! Generál Dodonna, jeden z najbrilantnejších stratégov Starej republiky, musí využiť všetky svoje schopnosti, aby prekabátil Impérium - vrátane veliteľov, ktorí boli vyučovaní jeho taktikou! Môže prekonať výzvy spojené so vznikom povstaleckej základne na Yavine IV? Darth Vader hľadá ukradnuté plány Hviezdy smrti - ale neočakáva, že sa stretne s princeznou Leiou... alebo Darth Maulom! A imperiálny pilot Biggs Darklighter je na úteku. Objavte, ako sa Biggs stal jedným z najväčších pilotov X-Wingu Povstania! Plus: Komiksová adaptácia A New Hope a oveľa viac! O komikse v angličtine:The Star Wars Legends continuity at last reaches the end of the early Empire days, and hurtles straight into A New Hope! The Empire era concludes - and a New Hope dawns! General Dodonna, one of the Old Republic's most brilliant strategists, must use all his skills to outmaneuver the Imperial fleet - including commanders who were taught his tactics! Can he overcome the challenges surrounding the creation of a rebel base on Yavin IV? Darth Vader is on the hunt for the stolen Death Star plans - but he doesn't expect to cross paths with Princess Leia... or Darth Maul! And Imperial pilot Biggs Darklighter is on the run. Discover how Biggs became one of the Rebellion's greatest X-Wing pilots! Plus: The comics adaptation of A New Hope, and much more! Collecting: Star Wars: Empire (2002) 5-6, 8-13, 15; Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron (1995) 1/2; Star Wars: A New Hope Special Edition (1997) 1-4; Star Wars: Tag & Bink Are Dead (2001) 1; material from Star Wars Tales (1999) 1, 6, 8-10, 12, 14, 16, 19

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