Marvel Star Wars 1: The Destiny Path
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O komikse v slovenčine:"Nie... Ja som tvoj otec."Po udalostiach nasledujúcich po Impérium vracia úder je pre hrdinov Rebélie temné obdobie. Rebelská flotila... rozptýlená po katastrofálnej porážke v bitke o Hoth. Han Solo... stratil sa lovcovi odmien Boba Fettovi, keď bol zmrazený v karbóne. A Luke Skywalker, nalákaný do pasce v Mestskom oblaku a porazený v brutálnom súboji so svetelnými mečmi proti zlovestnému Darth Vaderovi... sa dozvedel hroznú pravdu o svojej minulosti. Vader nezabil Lukovho otca Anakina - Vader je Lukov otec! Teraz, po úniku z pazúrov temného lorda, zranený a zmätený z odhalenia, musia Luke, princezná Leia, Lando Calrissian, Wookiee Chewbacca a droidi C-3PO a R2-D2 bojovať o cestu späť k Rebelskej aliancii - pretože osud celej galaxie je v stávke! Je po toľkých stratách víťazstvo stále možné? Ale Leia, Luke a ich skupina bojovníkov za slobodu si neuvedomujú, že len vymenili jednu imperiálnu pascu za druhú! Prichádza prefíkaný a pomstychtivý imperiálny veliteľ Zahra na čele Tarkinovho želania!Scenárista Charles Soule (DARTH VADER) a umelec Jesús Saiz (DOCTOR STRANGE) nás všetkých berú do galaxie ďaleko, ďaleko preč! O komikse v angličtine: "No... I am your father."In the wake of the events following The Empire Strikes Back, it is a dark time for the heroes of the Rebellion. The Rebel fl eet...scattered following a disastrous defeat at the Battle of Hoth. Han Solo...lost to the bounty hunter Boba Fett after being frozen in carbonite. And after being lured into a trap on Cloud City and bested in a vicious lightsaber duel against the evil Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker...learned the horrible truth about his past. Vader did not kill Luke's father, Anakin - Vader is Luke's father! Now, after narrowly escaping the dark lord's clutches, and wounded and reeling from the revelation, Luke, Princess Leia, Lando Calrissian, the Wookiee Chewbacca and the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 must fi ght their way back to the Rebel Alliance - for the fate of the entire galaxy is at stake! After so many losses, is victory still possible? But, what Leia, Luke and their ragtag band of freedom fi ghters do not realize is that they have only traded one Imperial trap for another! Enter the cunning and vengeful Imperial Commander Zahra, at the helm of the Tarkin's Will! Writer Charles Soule (DARTH VADER) and artist Jesús Saiz (DOCTOR STRANGE) are taking us all to the galaxy far, far away!