Marvel Spider-Man: The Complete Black Costume Saga Omnibus

3 102,07 € Prejsť do obchodu
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O komikse v slovenčine:Obsahuje Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #252-263 a Annual #18; Marvel Team-Up (1972) #141-150 a Annual #7; Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #90-100 a Annual #4; a Web Of Spider-Man (1985) #1.Celá šokujúca sága symbiotického obleku, ktorý sa stal ikonickým zloduchom Venomom! Keď sa Spider-Man vráti zo Secret Wars s novým šikovným čiernym kostýmom, je rýchlejší a silnejší - a má nekonečnú, vstavanú zásobu pavučín! To všetko je lepšie na to, aby sa potýkal s nepriateľmi ako Rose, Black Fox, Red Ghost, Jack O'Lantern, Puma a Blob! Ale niečo nie je v poriadku. Prekliata to stará Parkerova šťastena, čierny kostým je hladný mimozemský symbiot ... a veľmi sa na neho pripútal! S pomocou Fantastic Four sa Spidey oslobodí - ale zlovestný symbiot s ním ešte nie je hotový a Spidey čoskoro čelí boju svojho života, aby sa vyhol trvalému spojeniu! O komikse v angličtine:Collects Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #252-263 And Annual #18; Marvel Team-Up (1972) #141-150 And Annual #7; Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #90-100 And Annual #4; And Web Of Spider-Man (1985) #1.The entire shocking saga of the symbiotic suit that became the iconic villain Venom! When Spider-Man returns from the Secret Wars with a snazzy new black costume, he's faster and stronger - and has an unending, built-in supply of webbing! All the better for tussling with foes like the Rose, Black Fox, Red Ghost, Jack O'Lantern, Puma and the Blob! But something's not quite right. Curse that ol' Parker luck, the black costume is a hungry alien symbiote…and it's grown very attached to him! With help from the Fantastic Four, Spidey gets free - but the sinister symbiote isn't finished with him yet, and Spidey soon faces the fight of his life to avoid a permanent bond!

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