Marvel Spider-Man: Miles Morales 3 - Family Business

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O komikse v slovenčine:Zlý Ultimatum dorazil do New Yorku a spôsobuje chaos! Miles Morales ho prenasleduje, no zároveň sa ocitne v zložitej situácii kvôli svojmu strýkovi. Keď dôjde k veľkej udalosti, Miles ako Spider-Man bude musieť urobiť ťažké rozhodnutie, ktoré by mohlo ohroziť všetko, na čom mu záleží! Zakliesnený v boji medzi Ultimatom a starou gardou zloduchov sa čoskoro stretne s legendárnym záporákom Spider-Mana a v ohrození sa ocitnú viacerí členovia rodiny Moralesovcov! Navyše, strýka Aarona stíhajú a cesta z Washington Heights do Brooklynu je dlhá. Dokážu to Spider-Man a Prowler s rýchlym rozumom a pästnými súbojmi stihnúť domov, keď im dochádza tekutina do pavučín a čas beží proti nim? O komikse v angličtine:The villain called Ultimatum is here - and New York doesn't know what hit it! But while chasing this mysterious man from a mysterious place, Miles Morales finds himself in a very awkward situation involving his uncle. And when something huge happens, the young Spider-Man is faced with a dilemma that could threaten everything he holds dear! Caught in the middle of a war between Ultimatum and the old guard, Miles is about to cross paths with a monumental, classic Spidey villain - and the lives of more than one Morales are on the line! Plus, it's thirteen miles from Washington Heights to Brooklyn, and Miles' uncle Aaron is a wanted man. Racing against the clock and out of web-fluid - with only their wits and their fists, can Spider-Man and the Prowler make it home?COLLECTING: MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN (2018) 11-16

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