Marvel Spider-Man/Deadpool Modern Era Epic Collection: Isn't It Bromantic

1 203,87 € Prejsť do obchodu
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O komikse v slovenčine:Spider-Man a Deadpool... spoja sa?! Presne tak - a webslinger a žoldnier s ústami sú dvojica vašich snov! Legendárny kreatívny tím DEADPOOL Joe Kelly a Ed McGuinness sa znovu stretávajú, aby urobili z tímu Spider-Man/Deadpool všetko, čo ste si kedy želali - a ešte viac! Ale zmení sa priateľstvo na kyslé, keď sa Wade Wilsonov ďalší cieľ ukáže ako... Peter Parker?!Niekto sa hrá s našimi nezbednými wisecrackermi a skombinoval gény našich hrdinov, aby vytvoril jednu vražednú, zmiešanú slečnu menom Itsy Bitsy. Je to Spideyho a 'Poolova 'dcéra' - a má vážne strašidelné daddy issues! Navyše, k zábave sa pridáva viac známych tvorcov, keď Deadpool ide do Hollywoodu, naše duo zdieľa retro dobrodružstvo, Wade a Peter sa stretnú s Pennom a Tellerom a Spidey a Pool sú jediní, ktorí môžu zachrániť Vianoce!Obsahuje: Spider-Man/Deadpool (2016) 1-14, 17-18, 1. MU O komikse v angličtine:Spider-Man and Deadpool... teaming up?! That's right - and the webslinger and the merc with a mouth are the double act of your dreams! Legendary DEADPOOL creative team Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness reunite to make the Spider-Man/Deadpool team-up everything you ever hoped for - and more! But will a fledgling friendship turn sour when Wade Wilson's next target turns out to be... Peter Parker?! Someone is messing with our wascally wisecrackers, and they've blended the genes of our heroes to create one murderous, mixed-up miss named Itsy Bitsy. She's Spidey and 'Pool's 'daughter' - and she has seriously creepy daddy issues! Plus, more big-name creators join the fun as Deadpool goes Hollywood, our duo share a retro adventure, Wade & Peter meet Penn & Teller, and Spidey and Pool are the only ones who can save Christmas! Collecting: Spider-Man/Deadpool (2016) 1-14, 17-18, 1. MU

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