Marvel Old Man Hawkeye: The Complete Collection
683,48 €
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O komikse v slovenčine:Návrat na pustiny dystopickej klasiky OLD MAN LOGAN v príbehu odohrávajúcom sa päť rokov pred pôvodným epickým dielom! Superhrdinovia padli. Zločinci si rozdelili krajinu. No Clint Barton stále žije! Bývalý Hawkeye síce slepne, ale túži ešte naposledy vidieť jednu vec: pomstu za svojich padlých spolubojovníkov. A zameriava zvyšky svojho zraku na desivých nepriateľov - vrátane Bullseyeho, Red Skulla, Zimného vojaka a množiacej sa hrozby Madrox Venomov! Clint sa navyše konečne postaví Thunderbolts, ktorí ho zradili - a opätovne sa stretne s Kate Bishop! Čaká ho Moonstone, Baron Zemo a zariadenie Weapon X, dokáže však Clint dokončiť svoju výpravu skôr, než ho navždy opustia oči? Zostarnutý lukostrelec pomstychtivý ako nikdy predtým! O komikse v angličtine: Return to the wastelands of the dystopian classic OLD MAN LOGAN in a story set five years before the original epic! The super heroes have fallen. The villains have divided up the country. Yet Clint Barton still lives! The former Hawkeye is going blind, but there's one last thing he wants to see: revenge for his fallen comrades-in-arms. And he's setting what sights he has left on some fearsome foes - including Bullseye, the Red Skull, the Winter Soldier and the multiplying menace of the Madrox Venoms! Plus, Clint finally faces the Thunderbolts who betrayed him - and reunites with Kate Bishop! Moonstone, Baron Zemo and the Weapon X facility await him, but can Clint conclude his quest before his eyes fail him for good? It's the aged avenging archer as you've never seen him before!COLLECTING: OLD MAN HAWKEYE (2018) 1-12