Marvel Incredible Hulk Epic Collection: Crisis On Counter-earth

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O komikse v slovenčine:Hulk podnikne výlet na Counter-Earth, kde sa postaví svojmu najnenávidenejšiemu nepriateľovi - Bruceovi Bannerovi! Pridajte k tomu Nosorožca aAbomination a akcia a dráma sa nedajú zadržať. Potom sa vydá na sever do Kanady, kde sa vracia Mimic z X-Menov a prvýkrát sa objavuje Wendigo. Dráma pokračuje, keď Betty Ross mutuje do Harpy. Ďalej sa Green Goliath vydáva na cestu pomsty proti sériovým zabijakom, ktorí otriasajú zemou, vrátane Juggernauta, Cobalt Man a návratu k stretnutiu s Nosorožcom aAbomination. Nakoniec Hulk pristál v Attilane, kde sú Inhumans nútení vypustiť Hulka do hlbín vesmíru, aby zabránili zničeniu Attilanu. Pristál na Counter-Earth, kde ho čaká sága s mesiášskym Adamom Warlockom! O komikse v angličtine:Hulk takes a trip to Counter-Earth where he confronts his most-hated enemy—Bruce Banner! Add in the Rhino and the Abomination and the action and drama can’t be contained. Then, he heads north to Canada where the X-Men’s Mimic returns and the Wendigo makes his first appearance. The drama continues when Betty Ross is mutated into the Harpy. Next, the Green Goliath sets out on a path of revenge against a murderer’s row of earth-shaking enemies including Juggernaut, Cobalt Man and a return encounter with Rhino and Abomination. Finally, Hulk lands in Attilan, where the Inhumans are forced to launch Hulk into deep space to prevent the destruction of Attilan. He’ll land on Counter-Earth, where a saga with the messianic Adam Warlock awaits!COLLECTING: Incredible Hulk (1968) 157-178; material from FOOM (1973) 1-2

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