Marvel Deadpool Classic 8
658,82 €
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O komikse v slovenčine:Novému programu Weapon X sa nedá povedať nie! Deadpool súhlasí s tým, že sa stane tajným agentom aj po boku vraždiacich záporákov a šialencov, pretože mu ponúkli to, po čom najviac túži: liek na jeho zjazvenú tvár! Ako ďaleko zájde Deadpool, aby si udržal dobrú vizáž? A čo sa stane, keď prekročia hranice, ktoré sú nepríjemné aj pre ukecaného žoldniera? Presne tak, pohreb Deadpoola! Plus: Štvornásobný Deadpool sa vracia znova a znova a znova! Keď dorazí T-Ray na konečné zúčtovanie, koľko Deadpoolov treba na poriadnu strieľačku? No, koľko ich vlastne máte? O komikse v angličtine: The all-new Weapon X Program has come knocking, and they won't take no for an answer! But Deadpool's okay with becoming a secret agent, even alongside this cutthroat band of villains and lunatics, because they've offered him the one thing he wants most in the world: a cure for his ravaged face! How far will Deadpool let the deranged Weapon X Program go, in order to hold onto his good looks? And what happens when they start crossing lines that even the Merc With a Mouth isn't comfortable with? The funeral of Deadpool, that's what happens! Plus: it's Deadpool times four as our hero returns again...and again and again! When T-Ray arrives for a final showdown, how many Deadpools does it take to light up a screwball? Well, how many ya' got? COLLECTING: Deadpool (1997) 57-64