Kodansha America Attack on Titan 26
276,67 €
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O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Willyho Tyburova krvavá divadelná hra odhalila v plnej hrôze hrozbu, ktorú predstavuje ostrov Paradis. Nebezpečný rebel Eren Yeager bezohľadne kosí civilistov a zasadzuje drvivú ranu marleyskej armáde. Eldijskí vojaci, vrátane Mikasy, Connieho a Sashy, rozpútavajú chaos v meste a znefunkčňujú vojenskú komunikáciu. No boj medzi Erenom a Titánom s kladivom sa ešte neskončil a čoskoro pritiahne celú silu bojovníkov tejto krajiny... O komikse (Manga) v angličtine:CLASH OF THE ELDIANSThe deadly pageant directed by and starring Willy Tybur clearly illustrates the threat posed by the island of Paradis, as the dangerous rebel Eren Yeager mows down civilians and deals a massive blow to the Marleyan army. Meanwhile, the Eldian soldiers including Mikasa, Connie, and Sasha sow chaos in the city and disrupt military communications. But the battle between Eren and the War Hammer Titan isn't over, and it's about to draw in the full might of this land's warriors...