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O komikse v slovenčine:Od autora bestselleru New York Times Eoin Colfer prichádza pútavý a aktuálny príbeh o dvoch odvážnych deťoch, ktoré čelia dôsledkom klimatickej zmeny.Čas sa kráti pre Samiho a Yukiho.Sami a jeho dedko žijú v dedine pri Indickom oceáne. Živia sa rybolovom. Ale oceán stúpa a každý deň prináša menej a menej rýb.Yuki žije na severe Kanady, kde vysoké teploty topia ľady. Polárne medvede majú menej potravy na lov a potulujú sa po meste pri hľadaní jedla. Yuki je odhodlaný urobiť niečo pre medvede. O komikse v angličtine:From New York Times bestselling author Eoin Colfer and the team behind the Artemis Fowl graphic novels and bestselling, acclaimed graphic novel Illegal comes a compelling and timely story that follows two courageous children as they face the effects of climate change.Time is running out for Sami and Yuki.Sami and his grandfather live in a village along the Indian Ocean. They earn their living by fishing. But the ocean is rising and each day they bring back fewer and fewer fish.Yuki lives in the far north of Canada where warming temperature are melting the ice. Polar bears have less food to hunt and are wandering into town looking for something to eat. Yuki is determined to do something to help the bears.