Dynamite Entertainment KISS: The Demon
417,75 €
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O komikse v slovenčine:Amy Chu (Poison Ivy, Red Sonja) sa spojila s autorom Erikom Burnhamom (Back to the Future, Ghostbusters) a umelcom Eman Cassallos (Vampirella), aby preskúmala tajnú históriu KISS, najväčšej rock 'n rollovej senzácie na svete, v tomto ohromujúcom prequel komikse ku kriticky uznávanej ságe "Kiss: The Elder"! Pred podzemným mestom Blackwell, pred kybernetickými donucovacími orgánmi známymi ako Keepers of the Peace, bola HUDBA. V malom meste v Iowe sa traja mladí fanúšikovia KISS - Sam, Milo a Kimi - stretnú na koncerte a založia si vlastnú kapelu. Keď Samova posadnutosť KISS-om, a najmä The Demon-om, nabere nový a potenciálne nebezpečný zvrat, cesta, ktorá má zmeniť ich životy, by mohla zmeniť osud sveta! O komikse v angličtine:Amy Chu (Poison Ivy, Red Sonja) teams with co-writer Erik Burnham (Back to the Future, Ghostbusters) and artist Eman Cassallos (Vampirella) to explore the secret history of KISS, the world's greatest rock 'n roll sensation, in this mind-blowing prequel to her critically acclaimed "Kiss: The Elder" saga! Before the underground city of Blackwell, before the cybernetic enforcers known as the Keepers of the Peace, there was the MUSIC. In a small town in Iowa, three young KISS fans - Sam, Milo, and Kimi - meet at a concert and form their own band. When Sam's obsession with KISS, and especially The Demon, takes a new and potentially dangerous twist, the journey that's meant to change their lives might just change the fate of the world!