DC Comics Superman: Son of Kal-El 1: The Truth

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O komikse v slovenčine:Jonathan Kent zažil v mladom veku veľa. Bojoval s Robinom proti zlu, cestoval s prapradedom cez galaxie a žil v budúcnosti s légiou superhrdinov, ktorí ho chceli pripraviť na deň, keď jeho otec už nebude môcť byť Supermanom.Niečo Jonovi znemožňuje vedieť presne, kedy sa to stane, ale všetky znaky naznačujú, že to bude veľmi skoro. Je čas, aby syn prevzal otcov plášť a pokračoval v nekonečnej bitke ako symbol nádeje pre jeho domovskú planétu.Ale môže Jon byť Supermanom a stále mať normálny život? Syn Clarka Kenta a Lois Laneovej sa to bude musieť naučiť ťažkou cestou - pôjde na vysokú školu a zároveň bude bojovať proti nebezpečenstvám moderného sveta.Spisovateľ Tom Taylor (DCeased, Injustice) sa spojil s vizionárskym umelcom Johnom Timmsom (Future State: Superman of Metropolis) a rozpráva ságu 21. storočia o Supermanovi!Tento zväzok obsahuje Superman: Son of Kal-El #1-6. O komikse v angličtine:Jonathan Kent has experienced a lot in his young life. He’s fought evil with Robin, traveled across galaxies with his Kryptonian grandfather, and lived in the future with the Legion of Super-Heroes, who were intent on training him for the day his father could no longer be Superman. There is a hole in the Legion’s history that prevents Jon from knowing exactly when that will happen, but all signs point to it being very soon. It’s time for the son to wear his father's cape and continue the never-ending battle as a symbol of hope for his home planet. But can Jon be Superman and still have a normal life? The son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane will learn the hard way as he heads to college and combats the dangers of the modern world. Superstar writer Tom Taylor (DCeased, Injustice) teams with visionary artist John Timms (Future State: Superman of Metropolis) to tell the saga of the 21st century Superman! This volume collects Superman: Son of Kal-El #1-6.

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