DC Comics Superman by Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason Omnibus

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O komikse v slovenčine:Superman a Superboy. Otec a syn. Pravda, spravodlivosť, rodina!Katapultovaný z jeho umierajúcej domoviny ako dieťa sa stal Superman najväčším šampiónom svojej adoptívnej planéty. Potom spolu so svojou rodinou - manželkou Lois Lane a synom Jonathanom Kentom - tesne unikli zničeniu celého vesmíru.Objavili sa na novej Zemi, kde vládla mladšia, drsnejšia rasa superhrdinov. A keď v tejto zvláštne známej realite padol vojak mladý Superman, pôvodný Muž z ocele vyšiel z tieňa, aby ho nahradil.Teraz, okrem boja proti hrozbám z celého sveta a vesmíru, musí Superman bojovať o získanie dôvery iných ochrancov svojej novoprijatej planéty - ako aj svojich zvedavých susedov v malom meste. Najmä musí naučiť mladého Jonathana, ako využiť svoje stále sa zvyšujúce schopnosti a využívať ich v službe pravdy a spravodlivosti - ako dieťa dvoch svetov je jeho potenciál potomka Kryptonu ohrozený iba nebezpečenstvami, ktorým bude čeliť.Od najpredávanejšieho kreatívneho tímu New York Times Petera J. Tomasiho a Patricka Gleasona prichádza oslava rodiny a hrdinstva. Zahŕňa každý príbeh z ich modernej klasiky prvýkrát v jedinom pevnom vydaní. O komikse v angličtine:Superman and Superboy.Father and Son.Truth, Justice, Family!Rocketed from his dying homeworld as an infant, he became his adopted planet’s greatest champion. Then he and his family—his wife, Lois Lane, and their son, Jonathan Kent—narrowly escaped the destruction of their entire universe. They emerged on a new Earth, where a younger, brasher breed of superheroes held sway. And when the valiant young Superman of this strangely familiar reality fell in the line of duty, the original Man of Steel stepped out of the shadows to take his place. Now, in addition to battling threats from around the world and across the universe, Superman must fight to earn the trust of his newly adopted planet’s other protectors—as well as his curious small-town neighbors. Most of all, he must teach young Jonathan how to harness his ever-increasing abilities and wield them in the service of truth and justice—as a child of two worlds, this grandson of Krypton’s potential is rivaled only by the dangers he will face. From the New York Times bestselling creative team of Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason comes a celebration of family and heroism. Featuring every story from their modern-day classic for the first time in a single hardcover edition, the Superman by Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason Omnibus collects the team’s adventures from Superman #1-25, #27-28, #33-39, #42-45, Superman Annual #1, Superman: Rebirth #1, Superman Special #1, Action Comics #975-976, #1000, Super Sons #11-12, and Teen Titans #975-976.

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