DC Comics Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country 1 - The Glass House

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O komikse v slovenčine:Niekedy nočné mory chodia po Zemi. Každú noc, keď spíte, Lord snov si vyberá cestu, ktorú budete nasledovať... do sýrskeho Elýsia, alebo po chodbách vašich najtemnejších obáv. A niekedy, ak je to Morpheova vôľa, nočné mory uniknú z chodieb snov a idú do sveta. Ale nie je to ľahká voľba.Dnes opäť po Zemi kráča Korinťan. Najobávanejšia z Dreamových nočných môr, jeho dravé ústa z neho urobili legendu medzi sériovými vrahmi. Uvoľnenie Korinťana medzi smrteľníkov je najnebezpečnejšou vecou, ktorú Dream mohol urobiť. Ale nemá na výber - pretože po Zemi sa preháňa iná nočná mora, ktorá musí byť ulovená... a toto monštrum nevytvoril Dream, lord všetkých nočných môr. O komikse v angličtine:Return to the world of Neil Gaiman’s seminal epic The Sandman, in a new series starring fan-favorite character the Corinthian, and written by horror comics superstar James Tynion IV!Sometimes, nightmares walk the Earth. Every night when you sleep, the Lord of Dreams chooses the path you’ll follow…into a sylvan Elysium, or down the hallways of your darkest fears. And sometimes, if it is Dream’s will, those nightmares escape those halls, and go out into the world. But it is not a choice he makes lightly. Today the Corinthian walks the Earth again. The most feared of all Dream’s nightmares, his ravenous mouths have made him a legend among serial killers. Letting the Corinthian out among mortals is the most dangerous thing Dream could possibly do. But he has no choice-because there is another nightmare walking the Earth, one that must be hunted…and this monster is one that Dream, lord of all nightmares, did not make. Acclaimed writer James Tynion IV has waited his whole career to pay tribute to the mythos of The Sandman, the work that made him the writer he is today—and that time has come! Designed to welcome new readers into one of the greatest worlds in DC’s library, The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country is a terrifying travelogue through a nation recognizable and obscene, which will show you things seen in no Sandman series ever before—with spectacular art by Lisandro Estherren (Redneck, Strange Skies Over East Berlin) and “nightmare” sequences by comics art all-stars! This volume collects The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country #1-6.

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