DC Comics Monkey Prince 1: Enter the Monkey

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O komikse v slovenčine:Zoznámte sa s Monkey Prince, vašou novou obľúbenou postavou DC! (Iba podľa neho, samozrejme.) Gene Luen Yang a Bernard Chang predstavujú úplne nového čínsko-amerického superhrdinu!Predstavujeme najnovšieho hrdinu v DC Universe, veľkého mudrca rovného nebesiam, lepšieho ako jeho predchodca legendárny Monkey King, dokonca lepšieho ako Justice League - a určite Teen Titans (v skutočnosti, všetkých hrdinov dohromady).Marcus Sun sa veľa sťahuje kvôli práci svojich adoptívnych rodičov, takže tento mesiac sa ocitne ako nový chlapec na Gothamskej strednej škole, kde ho záhadný muž s prasačími črtami požiada, aby prešiel cez vodnú oponu a odhalil svoju pravú identitu... ktorou je chlapec, ktorý prežil dobrodružstvo v Ceste na západ, môže sa transformovať do 72 rôznych formácií, môže sa klonovať pomocou svojich vlasov a je nazývaný…Monkey Prince! O komikse v angličtine:Meet the Monkey Prince, your new favorite DC character! (According to him, at least.) Gene Luen Yang and Bernard Chang introduce an all-new Chinese American superhero!Introducing the newest hero in the DC Universe, the great sage, equal to the heavens, better than his predecessor the legendary Monkey King, even better than the Justice League—and definitely the Teen Titans—(actually, all the heroes combined), everyone put your hands together for…the Monkey Prince! Marcus Sun moves around a lot because his adoptive parents are freelance henchpeople, so this month he finds himself as the new kid at Gotham City High School, where a mysterious man with pig features asks Marcus to walk through a water curtain to reveal his real self…someone who has adventured through The Journey to the West, can transform into 72 different formations, can clone himself using his hairs, and is called…the Monkey Prince! From the team of New Super-Man and American Born Chinese writer Gene Luen Yang and Teen Titans and Green Lantern Corps artist Bernard Chang, meet an all-new Chinese American DC hero, with roots in centuries-old mythology and ties to the current DCU! This volume collects The Monkey Prince #1-6, and a story from DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration.

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