DC Comics Low, Low Woods Hill House Comics
884,65 €
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O komikse v slovenčine:Od New York Times bestseller autorky Carmen Maria Machado (Her Body And Other Parties, In The Dream House) prichádza príbeh tak strašidelný, že naň nikdy nezabudnete!V lesoch sa niečo skrýva...Shudder-to-Think v Pensylvánii láka pozornosť už roky. Lesy sú plné zajacov s ľudskými očami, jelenej ženy, ktorá prenasleduje hladné dievčatá, a kusov kože bez šiat. A ľudia zo Shudder-to-Think? No, ani im sa moc nedarí.Keď sa El a Octavia zobudia v kine bez spomienky na posledné hodiny svojho života, dvaja tínedžery sa vydávajú na strašný výlet, aby odhalili pravdu o tej zvláštnej dedinke, ktorú volajú domov.Od kriticky oceňovaného spisovateľa Carmen Maria Machado (Her Body and Other Parties) prichádza The Low, Low Woods z megaúspešnej série komiksov Hill House Comics. Tento zväzok obsahuje The Low, Low Woods #1-6. O komikse v angličtine:From New York Times bestselling author Carmen Maria Machado (Her Body And Other Parties, In The Dream House) comes a story so horrifying you won't dare to forget!There's something in the woods...Shudder-to-Think, Pennsylvania, has been on fire for years. The woods are full of rabbits with human eyes, a deer woman who stalks hungry girls, and swaths of skinless men. And the people of Shudder-to-Think? Well, they're not doing so well either.When El and Octavia wake up in a movie theater with no memory of the last few hours of their lives, the two teenage dirtbags embark on a horrifying journey to uncover the truth about the strange town that they call home.From critically acclaimed writer Carmen Maria Machado (Her Body and Other Parties) comes The Low, Low Woods, from the smash-hit lineup of the Hill House Comics library. Featuring stunning artwork by Dani (Lucifer), this volume collects The Low, Low Woods #1-6.