DC Comics Justice League Odyssey 1: The Ghost Sector

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O komikse v slovenčine:Keď kozmická hrozba ohrozuje svety mimo našeho vlastného v Ghost Sectore, je na ťahu nový tím Justice League, aby odpovedal na výzvu do boja! Cyborg, Starfire, Green Lantern Jessica Cruz a Azirál, ktorý je mimo svojej komfortnej zóny, sa vydávajú do hlbokého vesmíru na palube prevzatého Skull Ship Brainiaca.Z Justice League: No Justice vzniká Justice League Odyssey! Táto partia nových rekrutov bude čeliť hrozbám v hlbinách vesmíru ako žiadna iná Liga predtým, povolaná Darkseidom, aby mu pomohla zachrániť Multiverzum!Napísal Josh Williamson (The Flash) s neuveriteľnými ilustráciami od Stjepana Sejica (Aquaman), Philippa Brionesa (New Suicide Squad) a Carmine Di Giandomenica (The Flash), Justice League Odyssey zavedie novú JL na miesta, kde nikdy predtým neboli!Zbiera čísla #1-5 spolu s pokladnicou zákulisných umeleckých diel. O komikse v angličtine:When a cosmic menace threatens worlds beyond our own in the Ghost Sector, it falls to a new Justice League team to answer the call to battle! Cyborg, Starfire, Green Lantern Jessica Cruz and an out-of-his-element Azrael head to deep space inside a commandeered Brainiac skull ship.Spinning out of Justice League: No Justice comes Justice League Odyssey! This ragtag team of new recruits will face threats in the deep reaches of space like no League ever before, called upon by Darkseid to help him save the Multiverse!Written by Joshua Williamson (The Flash) with unbelievable illustrations from Stjepan Sejic (Aquaman), Philippe Briones (New Suicide Squad) and Carmine Di Giandomenico (The Flash), Justice League Odyssey takes the new Justice League places they've never been before!Collects issues #1-5 along with a treasure trove of behind-the-scenes artwork.

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