DC Comics Joker 2 (Pevná väzba)

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ďalšie informácie
O komikse v slovenčine:Joker je na úteku a James Gordon je hneď za ním!Po udalostiach z komiksu The Joker Vol. 1 (Infinite Frontier a Joker War) je Joker na úteku a teraz smeruje do Európy?! Jim Gordon prenasleduje tohto šialenca, ale semená pochybností začínajú klíčiť... ak Joker nepustil plyn v Arkham Asylum, kto to urobil? A čo bude ďalej s Vengeance, dcérou Banea?Tento príbeh vás na každom kroku prinúti hľadať odpovede – a dokonca pochybovať o tom, či Gordon riskuje svoj vlastný život, aby zachránil... Jokera?Zbierka komiksov The Joker #6-9 a The Joker 2021 Annual #1! O komikse v angličtine:The Joker is on the run and James Gordon is tracking right behind him!Following the events of The Joker Vol. 1 (Infinite Frontier and the Joker War), the Joker is on the run and now he's off to Europe?! Jim Gordon pursues the madman, but the seeds of doubt begin to sprout...if The Joker didn’t gas Arkham Asylum, who did? And what’s the next move for Vengeance, daughter of Bane? This story will leave you searching for answers at every turn—and even questioning if Gordon will risk his own life to save…The Joker? Collecting The Joker #6-9 and The Joker 2021 Annual #1!

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