DC Comics John Constantine, Hellblazer 1: Marks of Woe
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O komikse v slovenčine:John Constantine je späť v Londýne, opäť pri svojich starých trikoch a práve včas, pretože v jeho starých revíroch sa to poriadne zatemnilo. Malý gangsterský boss sa ocitol v centre poriadneho výbuchu nadprirodzených bizárov a John, bez spojencov a bez ničoho, čo by mohol nazvať svojím, nemá na výber, či si vezme výplatu od jedného z najhorších londýnskych grázlov, alebo prijme pomoc od jedného z jeho potenciálnych poskokov. No čo malo byť rutinným exorcizmom, sa ukáže byť úplne inak a šialenstvo sa len začína! Pôvodný Constantine sa vracia v tejto sérii od Si Spurriera (The Dreaming) a Aarona Campbella (Infidel) s ničím iným, len s dekádami zlých spomienok a nezaslúženou druhou šancou. Ako presne ju premrhá? Existuje len jeden spôsob, ako to zistiť. O komikse v angličtine:John Constantine is back in London, back to his old tricks and just in time, as things have become very dark indeed in his old stomping grounds. A small-time gang lord has found himself dealing with a big-time outbreak of supernatural weirdness and, without any allies to call on and nothing left to call his own, John doesn t have much choice about taking a paycheck from one of London s worst, or accepting the help of one of the gang lord s would-be foot soldiers. But what should be an open-and-shut exorcism turns out to be nothing but and madness is just getting started! The original Constantine is back in this series from Si Spurrier (The Dreaming) and Aaron Campbell (Infidel), with nothing to his name but decades of bad memories and an unearned second chance. How, exactly, will he squander it? There s only one way to find out