DC Comics Elseworlds: Superman 2

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O komikse v slovenčine:Mysleli ste si, že Supermana poznáte? Omyl. Zistite, čo by sa stalo, keby bol Superman vychovaný v ohnivých jamách Apokolipsu namiesto Kansasu, alebo sa k nemu pridajte, keď sa spojí s Wonder Woman... Lois Laneovou?Zoznámte sa s Mužom z ocele, akého ste ho ešte nevideli. Elseworlds: Superman Vol. 2 zbiera dlho nevydané klasické Elseworlds príbehy s Supermanom v realitách a situáciách, ktoré vám zatočia hlavou! Vo svete, kde nacisti vyhrali Druhú svetovú vojnu, Lana Langová prenasleduje Supermana, ktorý podľahol kúzlu čarodejnice Circe, zatiaľ čo Lois Laneová je premenená na Wonder Woman silou starovekých bohov! A keď je Kal-Elova raketa odklonená zo Zeme na Apokolips, muž, ktorý sa jedného dňa mal stať Supermanom, sa stane poslom démonického Darkseida!V Elseworlds sa hrdinovia berú zo svojho obvyklého prostredia a umiestňujú sa do zvláštnych čias a miest - niektoré existovali, alebo mohli existovať, iné nie. Výsledkom sú príbehy, ktoré robia postavy, ktoré sú nám také známe ako včera, opäť sviežimi. O komikse v angličtine:You think you know Superman? Think again. Find out what would happen if Superman had been raised in the fiery pits of Apokolips instead of Kansas, or join him as he teams up with Wonder Woman... Lois Lane?It's the Man of Steel as you've never seen him before. Elseworlds: Superman Vol. 2 collects long-out-of-print classic Elseworlds tales starring Superman in realities and situations that will make your head spin! In a world where the Nazis won World War II, Lana Lang pursues Superman, who has fallen under the spell of the enchantress Circe, while Lois Lane finds herself transformed by the power of the ancient gods into Wonder Woman! Plus, when Kal-El's rocket is diverted from Earth to Apokolips, the man who would one day become Superman instead becomes a herald for the demonic Darkseid!In Elseworlds, heroes are taken from their usual settings and put into strange times and places--some that have existed, or might have existed, and others that can't, couldn't or shouldn't exist. The result: stories that make characters who are as familiar as yesterday seem as fresh as tomorrow.Collects Superman/Wonder Woman: Whom Gods Destroy #1-3 and Superman: The Dark Side.

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