DC Comics Dceased: War of the Undead Gods

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O komikse v slovenčine:To, čo sa začalo ako boj o Zem, sa stalo vojnou za galaxiu v epickom finálnom diele masívnej DCeased príbehu!Vzkriesenie znovuzrodeného, ​​neživého Darkseida v DCeased: Dead Planet nastolí pódium pre najničivejší konflikt ešte pre Batmana, Supermana a Wonder Woman! Keď sa Anti-Life Equation šíri do kozmu, preživší Zeme sa pripravujú na blížiacu sa apokalypsu a uvedomujú si, že ich jediná nádej by mohla ležať v najsilnejšom preživšom hrdinovi z prvej DCeased série ...Najpredávanejší tvorivý tím Toma Taylora a Trevora Hairsina sa vracia pre svoju tretiu a poslednú splátku v DCeased: War of the Undead Gods! O komikse v angličtine:What began as a battle for Earth has become a war for the galaxy in the epic final installment in the massive DCeased storyline!The emergence of a reborn, undead Darkseid in DCeased: Dead Planet sets the stage for the most devastating conflict yet for Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman! As the Anti-Life Equation spreads into the cosmos, the survivors of Earth prepare for the coming apocalypse and realize their only hope could lie in the most powerful surviving hero from the first DCeased series…The bestselling creative team of Tom Taylor and Trevor Hairsine return for their third and final installment in DCeased: War of the Undead Gods!

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