DC Comics Batman vs. Robin: Road to War

469,48 € Prejsť do obchodu
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O komikse v slovenčine:Otec vs. Syn!Batman a Damian Wayne sa opäť dostávajú do konfliktu, keď Bruce objaví chýbajúce strany Čiernej knihy prípadov v rukách svojho odcudzeného syna. Ale keď notoricky známy Hush zajme celú Bat-Rodinu, Temný rytier a bývalý Boy Wonder musia odložiť svoje nezhody, aby pomohli Nightwingovi, Batgirl, Signalovi, Orphan, Red Hoodovi a Batwoman prežiť!Batman vs. Robin: Road to War je vzrušujúca zbierka, ktorá obsahuje príbehy z Batmanov #106, Teen Titans #43-44, Detective Comics #1032-1034, Teen Titans Annual #2 a Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1! O komikse v angličtine:Father vs. Son!Batman and Damian Wayne are once again butting heads after Bruce uncovers the missing Black Casebook pages in the clutches of his estranged son. But when the notorious Hush captures the entire Bat-Family, the Dark Knight and the former Boy Wonder must put aside their differences to help Nightwing, Batgirl, Signal, Orphan, Red Hood, and Batwoman survive! Batman vs. Robin: Road to War is a thrilling collection that contains stories from Batman #106; Teen Titans #43-44; Detective Comics #1032-1034; Teen Titans Annual #2; Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1!

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