DC Comics Batman: The Dark Knight Detective 7
624,87 €
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O komikse v slovenčine:Sledujte Batmana, ako vyšetruje bombový útok s GCPD. Keď Batman vyšetruje jeden z podnetov u majiteľa firmy, stane sa ďalší nezávislý bombový útok. Bombardér ničí len pre ničenie... Toto je predstavenie Destroyera! Batman sa však bude musieť postaviť proti viacerým než len Destroyerovi! V tejto zbierke, ktorá obsahuje vystúpenia Jokera, Two-Facea a ďalších, Gotham potrebuje Batmana! O komikse v angličtine:Follow Batman as he investigates a bombing with the GCPD—as Batman is investing one lead in the business owner, another unrelated bombing happens. The bomber is destroying for the sake of destruction…this is the introduction of the Destroyer! Batman will have to face off against more than just the Destroyer though! In this collection featuring appearances from the Joker, Two Face, and more—Gotham’s need for Batman is far from over! Batman: The Dark Knight Detective Vol. 7 collects adventures from Batman #474, Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #27, Detective Comics #634-638, Detective Comics #641, Detective Comics #643, and Detective Comics Annual #4.