DC Comics Batman: Gotham Knights - Transference
763,96 €
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O komikse v slovenčine:Historicky prvá, ženou spustená séria komiksov o Batmanovi, Batman: Githam Knights, je teraz kompletne zozbieraná v 1 zväzku!Keď malý chlapec v Gotham City stratí rodičov pri hroznej streľbe, Batman je nútený opäť čeliť duchom svojej minulosti. Mŕtvi začnú chodiť a rozprávať. Zlý a manipulátorský Hugo Strange vyhlási Batmanovi psychologickú vojnu, v ktorej môžu byť Nightwing, Robin a Oracle pravými obeťami.Táto kniha, ktorá zhŕňa čísla 1-12 komiksu Batman: Gotham Knights, skúma nielen osobný život Batmana, ale aj jeho náhradnej rodiny. Scenárista DEVIN K. GRAYSON (Catwoman, Nightwing, Batman Chronicles) a skvelí ilustrátori ROGER ROBINSON (Azrael: Agent of the Bat, Batgirl) a DALE EAGLESHAM (Green Lantern, Justice Society of America) prinášajú zbierku, ktorú si nesmiete nechať ujsť! O komikse v angličtine:Batman: Gotham Knights made history as the very first ongoing Batman series to be launched by a woman, and now this popular series will be collected together for the first time ever!When a little boy in Gotham loses his parents to a horrible gun crime, Batman is forced to revisit the ghosts of his past. The dead begin to walk and talk. Psychological warfare is declared upon Batman by the sinister, manipulative Hugo Strange, a war in which Nightwing, Robin, and Oracle might be the true casualties.This book, collecting Batman: Gotham Knights #1-12 explores the personal lives of not just Batman, but the family he surrounds himself with. Written by DEVIN K. GRAYSON (Catwoman, Nightwing, Batman Chronicles) and masterfully illustrated by ROGER ROBINSON (Azrael: Agent of the Bat, Batgirl) and DALE EAGLESHAM (Green Lantern, Justice Society of America), this is a collection not to be missed!