DC Comics Batman Detective Comics 6: Road to Ruin

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O komikse v slovenčine:V dôsledku Joker War stratil Bruce Wayne svoj domov a prehráva boj o srdcia a mysle občanov Gotham City. V Gothame sa rozbiehajú protesty proti vigilantom, podnecované kandidatúrou na starostu Christophera Nakana, bývalého policajta zraneného v Joker War zóne. Všetko toto a záhadný nový darebák v Zrkadle zhromažďuje ostatných na anti-vigilantnú vec, berie sa do ulíc a vedie násilné stretnutia, ktoré nepreukazujú žiadneho skutočného víťaza.Posledný zväzok epického priebehu Detektívnych komiksov od Petera J. Tomasiho vyvrcholí bitkou s Robinom, rukojemníckou krízou s Hush a svitom novej éry pre Gotham City.Tento esenciálny zväzok Detektívnych komiksov obsahuje komiksy Detective Comics #1028-1033 - posledný arc napísaný zakladateľom Detective Comics Peterom J. Tomasim (Batman a Robin, Super Sons). Ponúka tiež ohromujúce umenie Brada Walkera (Aquaman), Kennetha Rocaforta (Red Hood a Outlaws), Bilquis Evely (Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow), Nicola Scott (Wonder Woman) a ďalších! O komikse v angličtine:In the aftermath of the Joker War, Bruce Wayne has lost his home, and is losing the battle for the hearts and minds of Gotham City's citizens. A groundswell of anti-vigilante protests is popping up throughout Gotham, stoked by the mayoral candidacy of Christopher Nakano—a former police officer wounded in the Joker's war zone. All this, plus mysterious new villain in the Mirror is rallying others to the anti-vigilante cause, taking to the streets and leading violent encounters that show no true winner. This final volume of Peter J. Tomasi's epic Detective Comics run culminates in a battle with Robin, a hostage crisis with Hush, and the dawn of a new era for Gotham City. This essneital volume of Detective Comics collects Detective Comics #1028-1033—the final arc penned by seminal Detective Comics scribe Peter J. Tomasi (Batman and Robin, Super Sons). It also features stunning art from Brad Walker (Aquaman), Kenneth Rocafort (Red Hood and the Outlaws), Bilquis Evely (Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow), Nicola Scott (Wonder Woman), and more!

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