DC Comics Batman Detective Comics 2: Arkham Knight

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O komikse v slovenčine:Svitá nová éra a Batman čelí najväčšej hrozbe svojej kariéry! Do Gotham City dorazil Arkham Knight s celou okrúhlou družinou smrtiacich spojencov a ich prvé stretnutie Batmana otrasie až do hĺbky duše.Po brutálnom boji Batmana s Arkham Knightom sa veci ešte zhoršia, keď sa do hry vloží jeden z jeho najdôležitejších spojencov a ocitne hlboko v problémoch!Damian si bol taký istý, že dokáže uspieť proti Arkham Knightovi tam, kde jeho otec zlyhal - a nielenže sa mýlil, ale ako sa ukázalo, Knight má pre syna Batmana prekvapivý plán! Ale keď sa konečne odhalí tvár za maskou, dozvieme sa, kto sa ujal plášťa Arkham Knighta. Aký je ich cieľ? A aké je šokujúce tajomstvo, ktoré Batman nikdy netušil o časti svojho života, ktorú považoval za samozrejmosť? O komikse v angličtine: As a new era dawns, the Batman is facing the most dangerous threat of his career! The Arkham Knight has arrived in Gotham City with an entire round table of deadly allies, and their first encounter will leave Batman shaken to his core.After Batman's brutal battle with the Arkham Knight, things only get worse when one of his most important allies jumps into the fray, and ends up in way over their head!Damian was so certain he could succeed against the Arkham Knight where his father failed--and not only was he wrong, but as it turns out, the Knight has a surprising plan for the son of Batman! But when the face behind the mask is finally revealed, we'll learn who's taken up the mantle of the Arkham Knight. What's their endgame? And what's the shocking secret that Batman never knew about a part of his life he'd taken for granted?

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