DC Comics Batman and the Signal

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O komikse v slovenčine:Nový ochranca Gothamu vstupuje do svetla!Duke Thomas vždy túžil byť hrdinom. Počas "Vojny Robinov" viedol povstanie mladých Robinov, ktorí tvrdili, že ich vzor v skutočnosti nepotrebuje partnera. Po týchto udalostiach si ho samotný Batman zobral pod krídla, aby ho trénoval - nie ako pomocníka, ale ako samostatného muža.Teraz je Duke pripravený vystúpiť z tieňa svojho mentora a zaujať jeho miesto ako denný ochranca Gothamu: Signál. Ale je pripravený na to, čo mu svetlo odhalí?V Najužších uličkách, najchudobnejšej štvrti Gothamu - Dukeovej štvrti - niekto udeľuje tínedžerom smrtiace nadľudské schopnosti. Ešte zvláštnejšie je, že tieto novozískané schopnosti tínedžerov sa zdajú byť nejako prepojené na Dukea a jeho vlastné, sotva pochopené schopnosti.Pomocou Bat-Family musí Signál a Batman ochrániť mesto pred zbesnenými dospievajúcimi a zároveň im zabrániť v ubližovaní samým sebe. Ale keď Duke odhalí pravú povahu svojho prepojenia s touto krízou, stane sa to začiatkom novej temnej kapitoly pre nového hrdinu Gothamu?Uznávaný autor Scott Snyder sa spája s mladým, talentovaným scenáristom Tonym Patrickom, aby predstavil najnovšieho bojovníka proti zločinu z Gothamu v komiksovej sérii "Batman and the Signal"!Tento zväzok, ilustrovaný Cully Hamnerom (Blue Beetle), Declanom Shalveyom (Moon Knight) a Francescom Francavillom (Detective Comics), obsahuje zošity "Batman a Signál" #1-3, ako aj "The Cursed Wheel" z "All-Star Batman" #1-4 a #6-9. O komikse v angličtine:Gotham's newest defender steps into the light!Duke Thomas always wanted to be a hero. During the "Robin War," he led an insurgency of teen Robins who insisted that their movement's namesake didn't really need a partner. In the aftermath, Batman himself has taken Duke under his wing to train him--not to be a sidekick, but to be his own man.Now, Duke is ready to emerge from his mentor's shadow and take his place as Gotham's protector by day: the Signal. But is he ready for what the light will reveal?Someone has been giving deadly metahuman powers to teenagers living in the Narrows, Gotham's poorest neighborhood--Duke's neighborhood. Even stranger, these newly powered teens seem to have some sort of connection to both Duke and his own barely understood abilities.With the help of the Bat-Family, the Signal and Batman must protect the city from the rampaging adolescents while also keeping them from harming themselves. But when Duke discovers the true nature of his connection to the crisis, will it signal a dark new chapter for Gotham's bright new hero?Critically acclaimed author Scott Snyder teams with red-hot rookie writer Tony Patrick to introduce Gotham's newest crime-fighter in Batman and The Signal! Featuring art by Cully Hamner (Blue Beetle), Declan Shalvey (Moon Knight) and Francesco Francavilla (Detective Comics), this volume collects Batman and The Signal #1-3 as well as "The Cursed Wheel" from All-Star Batman #1-4 and #6-9.

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