DC Comics Batman 12: City of Bane 1
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O komikse v slovenčine:Batman sa ocitne v životnom súboji so svojím... otcom?!Tom King, držiteľ ceny Eisner, sa opäť spája s Mikelom Janinom a pokračuje v jeho najpredávanejšej sérii o Batmanovi. Temný rytier čelí doposiaľ najosobnejšej bitke, keď ho čaká zápas na život a na smrť s... jeho otcom?Odkedy Batmanovi nevyšla svadba, má neustály pocit, že sa v tieni skrýva niekto, kto dáva udalosti do pohybu. Po pokuse o atentát na Nightwinga začne pochybovať o svojom boji proti zločinu, svojich vzťahoch a dokonca aj o svojom zdravom rozume.V pozadí je neviditeľná ruka, ktorá tieto udalosti orchestruje. A hoci sa pravý zloduch ešte neodhalil, jeho prisluhovači už vystupujú z úkrytu a snažia sa Batmana zlomiť raz a navždy - začínajúc Thomasom Wayneom, Batmanom z Flashpoint univerza! O komikse v angličtine: Eisner Award winner Tom King reunites with Mikel Janin as he continues his best-selling Batman run. Batman faces his most personal battle yet as he is locked in a life or death battle with... his father?Ever since Batman's impending wedding went south on him, the Caped Crusader has had the sinking suspicion that there has been someone lurking in the shadows setting events into motion. After the attempted assassination of Nightwing he starts to question his commitment to his war on crime, his relationships and even his own sanity.There has been an unseen hand orchestrating these events. And while the true villain has yet to reveal himself, his minions are starting to step forward and break the Bat down once and for all--beginning with Thomas Wayne, the Batman from the Flashpoint Universe!Collects Batman #75-79.