Dark Horse Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death
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O komikse v slovenčine:Prvá spin-off série Umbrella Academy!Tvorcov Umbrella Academy Gerarda Waya a Gabriela Báa dopĺňa spoluautor scenára Shaun Simon z Way's Killjoys (Collapser, Electric Century) a umelec INJ Culbard (Everything, At the Mountains of Madness) na nadprirodzené dobrodružstvo s postavou z úspešnej show Netflix, ktorý sa vracia v druhej sezóne v roku 2020!Keď 18-ročného Klausa vyhodia z Umbrella Academy a prestanú mu platiť príspevky, zamieri na miesto, kde ocenia jeho diabolské nadanie – do Hollywoodu. Ale po magickom úkryte ukradnutom upírskemu drogovému bossovi Klaus potrebuje pomoc a nemá tam svojich súrodencov, ktorí by ho zachránili.Obsahuje čísla 1 až 6 prvej minisérie spinoff Umbrella Academy s predslovom Roberta Sheehana, predstaviteľa Klausa v úspešnej sérii Netflix! O komikse v angličtine:The first Umbrella Academy spin off series!Umbrella Academy creators Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá are joined by Way's Killjoys cowriter Shaun Simon (Collapser, Electric Century) and artist INJ Culbard (Everything, At the Mountains of Madness), for a supernatural adventure featuring the breakout character from the hit Netflix show, which returns for a second season in 2020!When 18-year-old Klaus gets himself kicked out of the Umbrella Academy and his allowance discontinued, he heads to a place where his ghoulish talents will be appreciated--Hollywood. But after a magical high on a stash stolen from a vampire drug lord, Klaus needs help, and doesn't have his siblings there to save him.Collecting issues #1-#6 of the first Umbrella Academy spinoff miniseries, with a foreword by Robert Sheehan, portrayer of Klaus in the hit Netflix series!