Dark Horse Minecraft 2 (Graphic Novel)
301,13 €
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O komikse v slovenčine:Pokračovanie bestselleru Minecraft: Volume 1 z najpredávanejšej videohry na svete Minecraft!Koniec leta priniesol Evanovi nové výzvy, keď si ho za terč vyberie tyran. Evan sa to snaží pred svojimi priateľmi utajiť, ale keď sa on a partia ocitnú v podobnej situácii v Everrealme, Evan už nemôže mlčať. Keď na nich zaútočia piráti a potom ešte väčšia hrozba, všetci hráči si uvedomia, že sa musia naučiť spoliehať jeden na druhého, aby čelili nepriazni osudu. O komikse v angličtine:The sequel graphic novel to the hit book Minecraft Volume 1, from the world's best-selling videogame Minecraft!The end of summer has brought new challenges for Evan when a bully chooses to target him. Evan tries to hide this from his friends, but when he and the gang find themselves in a similar situation in the EverRealm, Evan can't keep quiet anymore. As they find themselves assaulted by pirates, and then by an even bigger threat, all the players realize they must learn to rely on each other to face adversity.